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LD isoenzymeÈ°¼ºÀ» cellulose acetate Àü±â¿µ µîÀ¸·Î ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ°í ÀÎµé »çÀÌÀÇ »ó°ü°ü°è¸¦ °ü
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1) °Ç°­´ëÁ¶±º¿¡¼­´Â Ç÷û °¢ ´Ü¹éºÐȹµé°ú Ç÷û °¢ LD isoensyme»çÀÌ¿¡´Â ÀÇÀÇ ÀÖ´Â »ó
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2) ¸¸¼º°£¿°¿¡¼­´Â Ç÷û ¾ËºÎ¹Î°ú LD5È°¼º°úÀÇ »çÀ̸¸ÀÌ ¿ªÀÇ »ó°üÀÌ ÀÖ¾ú
3) °£°æº¯Áõ¿¡¼­´Â Ç÷û ±¸·ÎºÎ¸°°ú LD5È°¼º°úÀÇ »çÀ̸¸ ¼øÀÇ »ó°üÀÌ ÀÖ¾ú
4) °£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï¿¡ À־´Â Ç÷û LD1È°¼º°ú ¥á1-±¸·ÎºÎ¸°, ¥á
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ºÎ¸°°ú LD4 ¹× LD5È°¼º°úÀÇ »çÀÌ¿¡´Â ¼øÀÇ »ó°ü°ü°è°¡ ÀÖ¾ú
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ºÐȹ¸¸ ¶Ç´Â Ç÷û °¢ LD isoenzyme È°¼º¸¸À» µû·Î ºÐ¸®ÇÏ¿© °üÂûÇÏ´Â °Íº¸´Ù´Â ÀÌ ¾çÀÚµé
»çÀÌ¿¡ °ü·Ã °ü°è¸¦ °üÂûÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÌ ´õ ÀÇÀÇÀÖ´Ù°í »ý°¢µÈ´Ù.
The author investigated the relation between serum protein fraction and lactic
dehydrogenase (LD) isoenzyme activity in 28 cases of patients with various liver
diseases who had visited or admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine, Pusan
National University.
Hospital and 34 cases of adult healthy control subjects from June, 1978 to July, 1579.
The 28 cases of the liver disease were consisted of 8 cases of chronic hepatitis, 9
cases of liver cirrhosis and 11 casts of hepatocellular carcinoma. Total serum protein
was measured by Biuret method and total serum LD activity was estimated by
Caboud-Wr blewski method.
Serum protein fraction and LD isoenzyme activity T, ere analyzed by cellulose acetate
The results obtained were summarized as follows
1) In the healthy control, there wart no significant correlation between serum protein
fractions and LD isoenzyme activities
2) In the chronic hepatitis, there was negative correlation between serum albumin and
LDs activity
3) In the liver cirrhosis, there wag positive correlation between serum globulin and
LD5 activity
4) In the hepatocellular carcinoma, there was negative correlation between
LD1 activity and ¥á1-, ¥á1-and ¥â-globulin,
arts also positive correlation between serum ¥ã-globulin and LD4 &
LD1 activity
On the oasis of above results, it was suggested that in differential diagnosis and
evaluating clinical course and the effect of treatment of various liver disease, evaluating
the relation between serum protein fractions and LD isoenzyme activity might to r ore
significant than that of each one of both separately.


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