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Ç÷¼ÒÆÇÄ¡ »êÁ¤¹ýÀÇ ºñ±³ °ËÅä A Comparative Evaluation of Platelet Counting methods

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¹ý, Coulter Thrombscounter-C, Coulter Model S-Plus·Î½á ºñ±³ °ËÅäÇÏ°í ½Ã·áÀÇ Àå½Ã°£
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A comparative evaluation of automated and manual Platelet counting methods, and the
influence of sample standing and continuous agitation on the platelet counts have been
The material used in this study consist of 60 cases of EDTA anticoagulated blood
showing hematologically normal findings.
The results wart follows,
1) Generally, manual counting shoved lower than automated counting values in normal
2) The differences of count between methods using whole blood (Coulter Model
S-Plus) and method using platelet riot plasma (Coulter Thrombocounter-C) were not
significant, but the former was more time saving and reproducible.
3) The differences of count between standing and continuous agitation of blood
samples for 20 hours in room temperature revealed no statistically significant chanties,
and they showed lower values than initial counts.


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