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ÞªðþåËàõ êÖïÄد¿¡ ÃâÇöÇÏ´Â ïÄäûðËÀÇ û¡÷¾ùÊîÜ ëòëù -180çÓÀÇ ï·ð¶êÖ¸¦ ÅëÇÑ ðÚòÄÏ°õéùÊîÜ ÝÂà° - Morphological Characteristics and Clinical Implication of Mucin Pool in Non- neoplastic Gastric Mucosa -Histotopographic Analysis of 180 Gastrectomy Specimens-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 2È£ p.199 ~ 206
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
±èö¿ì(ÑÑôÉéÓ)/Chul Woo Kim ±è¿ëÀÏ(ÑÑé¸ìé)/Yong Il Kim


One hundred and eighty cases of surgically resected stomachs (129 cases of
adenocarcinoma, 28 gastric ulcers and 21 chronic gastritis) were reconstructed by the
extended histotopographic method along the distribution and morphological characteristics
of mucin pool or leakage in the non-neoplastic gastric mucosa to Identify the
significance of mucin pools as a supportive evidence for the diagnosis of gastric
carcinoma, especially in limited material such as endoscopic biopsy specimen.
The intramucosal mucin pools were demonstrated 51.2% in the cases of gastric
carcinoma and none in gastric ulcer or chronic gastritis. Those mucin pools were
confined to the north-neoplastlc mucosa adjacent to the carcinomatous lesions, and most
of them (84.7%) were within 6mm from carcinoma. Background mucosal changes of
stomachs with micin pools .were characterized by advanced intestinal metaplasia in all
positive cases.
The above findings may reflect that the presence of such mucin pools in
non-neoplastic gastric mucosa of endoscopic biopsy specimens is an important and
helpful and supportive evidence in the diagnosis of carcinoma.


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