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ÊÜ¿¡ Û¡ßæÇÑ ê«Û¡àõ äÂàõ Êàç¨á¬øàðþ ìéçÓ Primary Malignant Mesenchymoma of the Liver -Report of a Case-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 3È£ p.496 ~ 498
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¼­ÀºÁÖ(ßïëÚñÁ)/Eun Jeo Seo Áö¿µÈñ(ò®çÈýï)/Á¶ÁøÈñ(ðáòäý÷)/ÀÌÁ¾¹«(ì°ñ£Ùë)/Young Hee Jee/Chin Hee Cho/Chong Moo Lee


Primary malignant mesenchymomas of the liver are rare malignant tumor of childhood.
Histologically thor are characteracterized by mixture of epithelium-lined cystic structures
resembling bile duct, and undifferentiated sarcomatous component. Eosinophilic globules
that are PAS positive are seen in or near some of the sarcomatous cells.
The present case was a 8-year-old girl with a 15-day-history of a right upper
quadrant pain, and palpable mass of one week duration on the right upper abdomen.
Under the clinical impression of subcapsular hematoma of the liver, right lobe
hepatectomy was done.
Grossly the Bass, 15¡¿12¡¿11 or, had nodular surface. On cut section, the tumor wart
tan to gray gelatinous and rubbery, and was well demarcated from the normal liver, but
not encapsulated. It had variously sifted cysts, an4 areas of hemorrhages and necrosis.
Microscopic examination revealed multiple cystic spaces similar to bile duct, as well
as pleomorphic undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue. Eosinophilic globular bodies were
frequently found in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells.


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