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ÇǺθ¦ ħ¹üÇÑ Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy Cutaneous Involvement of Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 3È£ p.499 ~ 503
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¹Ú¿ë±¸/Yong Koo Park ÀÌÁÖÈñ/¼­ÁøÅÂ/ÀÌÁß´Þ/Á¶°æ»ï/Ju Hie Lee/Jin Tae Suh/Jung Dal Lee/Kyoung Sam Cho


A 52 year-old Korean male with angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy(AILD) had
generalized erythematous maculopapular eruptions with excoriation of the skin. The skin
biopsies from two different sites revealed characteristic histologic features exhibiting
nodular infiltrates around the skin appendages and blood vessels in the reticular dermis.
The infiltrates consisted of many plasma cells. plasmacytoid lymphocytes, immunoblast
and histiocytes arranged in nodules of varying size. 4 small amount of amorphous
eosinophilic material deposited within the cellular infiltrates with proliferation of
arborizing capillaries. These histologic findings were similar to those noted on biopsy
specimens of the involved lymph nodes. Cutaneous lesions Of diverse histology
associated with AILD were discussed on the basis of pathogenesis of AILD.


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