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°£ÀÇ ¿ø¹ß¼º ÆòÈ°±ÙÁ¾ 1¿¹ º¸°í A Case Report of Hepatic Leiomyoma

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 3È£ p.508 ~ 511
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¾ç±âÈ­/Ki Hwa Yang ±èº´±â/±è¼±¹«/ÀÌÁ¾¹«/Byung Gee Kim/Sun Moo Kim/Chong Moo Lee


Primary benign mesodermal tumors of the liver Care relatively rare. Espicially,
primary hepatic leiomyoma is very uncommon.
The authors present a case of hepatic leiomyoma in 42 years old woman, who wan
admitted to Catholic Medical Center, because of abdominal distension for 3 months.
Abdominal computerized tomography revealed a tennis ball sired spherical mass on right
lobe of the liver. On operation, this mass, although it adhered to the diaphram, was well
defined, so a right hepatic lobectomy was performed. Any abnormalities did not found in
the internal organ. On gross examination, there was a tumor mass on the dome of the
right lobe of the liver, which was covered with hepatic capsule. On cut section, it was
well defined, and revealed whitish-gray coarse cut surface with focal hyaline
degeneration. Hemorrhagic or necrotic areas were not found. Microscopically, the tumor
was composed of chiefly smooth muscle cells interposed some fibrous tissue. Although
the tumor revealed relative hypercellur areas, any abnormal mitotic figure was not
This case is presumably fourth case of primary hepatic leiomyoma in the literatures.


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