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°ú È£»ê±¸ Áõ´ÙÁõ 1¿¹ A Case of Hypereosinophilic Syndrome

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 3È£ p.567 ~ 573
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¼­Çå¼®/Hun Suk Suh Á¤¿ëÈ£/Á¤È­¼ø/±èÃá¿ø/¹Ú½ÂÇÔ/±è±âÈ«/Young Ho Chung/Wha Soon Chung/Choon Won Kim/Seung Hahm Park/Ki Hong Kim


Marked eosinophila is a common findings in many diseases, occuring most frequently
in allergic and parasitic conditions.
A separate syndrome has emerged over the past sixty years characterized by
persistent marked eosinophilia of the blood associated with diffuse organ infiltration by
A variety of diagnoses have teen offered in these cases including eosinophilic
leukemia, disseminated eosinophilic leukemia, disseminated eosinophilic collagen disease
and L effler's fibroplastic endocarditis with eosinophilia even though clinical course,
physical examination, laboratory data and autopsy finding often have teen similar,
regardless of diagnosis. Therefore, recent workers have referred to these conditions as
the hypereosinophilic syndrome.
Fourth-two year old house-wife was visited to Han Yang Univ. Hospital on Mar. 31,
1981 due to epigastric pain and facial melasma.
Laboratory data show a WBC of 13,700/cumm with 79% of eosinophils and
7,100/cumm of total eosinophilic count. Known cause of eosinophilia wart not found. And
also, skin and liver biopsy findings reveal diffuse eosinophilic infiltration throughout the
So, authers report a case of Hypereosinophilic syndrome with brief review of


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