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°£¾Æ¼¼Æ÷Á¾ Hepatoblastoma

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 4È£ p.832 ~ 835
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ÀÌ°­¿µ/Gang Young Lee Á¤È­¼ø/±èÃá¿ø/¹Ú½ÂÇÔ/±è±âÈ«/Wha Soon Chung/Choon Won Kim/Seung Hahm Park/Ki Hong Kim


Hepatoblastoma is the most common primary malignant hepatic tumor except leukemia
in infant and childhood. Some degree of confusion still exist because of the considerable
variation in histologic structure and complexity. Recently, we experienced a case of
hepatoblastoma in a seven wonts old female patient with chief complaints of palpable
mass on abdomen and night sweating for 3 days.
Positive findings are reveled as follows :
a) Hemoglobin 6.9§·/dl, T-bilirubin 4.5§·/dl, LDH 720 ¥ì/§¢
b) Alpha-fetoprotein 400 ng/§¢(¡è)
c) Simple abdomen: mass crossing midline in upper abdomen
I.V.P. : Large Mass in upper abdomen and enlarged liver
d) Ultrasono : Semisolid marts in liver parenchyme
So left hepatectomy was done
Grossly, the tumor is rather firm, lobulated and well circumscribed measuring 11¡¿10¡¿
7§¯ in dimension and 520 gm in weight. Cut surface stows pale grayish in color with
areas of multifocal hemorrhagic areas. Microscopically, the tumor composed of m mainly
solid cord of dark stained hepatocytes, pale stained cells, osteiod components and
intermingled with extramedullary hematopoiesis.
So was diagnosed as mixed type of hepatoblastoma according to Ishak and Glunz
classification. Brief review of literature to this case was done.


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