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¿µ¾ÆÀÇ ½ÅÀå ±âÇüÁ¾ Intrarenal Teratoma -Report of a Case Occurring in an Infant-

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Intrarenal teratoma is extremely rare and tends to be overtreated as a malignancy
before histologic diagnosis is made. This was such a case. A 3-month-old female infant
presented intra-abdominal class which was diagnosed as a Wilms' tumor clinically and
at operation, and actinomycin D was initiated immediately after operation before a
histologic diagnosis was obtained. The case has been reported for not only being its
rarity, but also to remind to include benign lesions in tile differential diagnosis of
intra-renal mass during the first year of life, and the necessity of frozen section
diagnosis during operation.


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