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³­°üÀÇ °Å´ë(ËÝÓÞ) À¯¼±Á¾(×¾àÍðþ) 1¿¹ Adenomatoid Turner of the Fallopian Tube -Report of an unusually .large case-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 17±Ç 1È£ p.60 ~ 63
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ÀåÁø´ö(íåòåÓì)/Jin Duk Chang ±èº´±â(ÐÝܼѮ)/±è¼±¹«(ÐÝà¼Ùë)/ÀÌÁ¾¹«(×Ýñ£Ùë)/Byung Kee Kim/Sun Moo Kim/Chong Moo Lee


The adenomatoid tumor is a rare benign neoplasm which is usually a small
circumscribed lesion of the female an4 male genital tract characterized by adenomatous
structure and it's histogenesis has been controversial.
We experienced a cabs of an unusually large adenomatoid tumor of the fallopian tube
in 54 year old female. Grossly, the tumor was firm and gray white to yellow and
large(7 §¯ in diameter), which found beneath the serosa in the isthmic portion of the
fallopian tube.
Microscopicall, the tumor consisted of irregular glands or vessel like spaces which
were lined by flattened endothelial like cells or plump cuboidal cells.
A brief review of the literature was made.


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