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Weak B Ç÷¾×Çü 1¿¹ A Case of Weak Blood Group B Expression

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 17±Ç 2È£ p.153 ~ 155
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Weakened forms of the B antigen was first discovered by Moullec in 1955. Common
causes for these findings are due to rare alleles at the ABO locus, action of other genes
on normal ABO genes, or environmental variations such as weakening of A and B
antigens in leukemia & acquired antigens as a result of infection. Weak B activity due
to acquired B antigen phenomenon is known to be found only in Al person. These
acquired variations of B are manifested secondary to the bacterial infection, malignancy,
and aging.
A 43-yr-old female patient who was once blood typed as O, had weak B antigen
with cold reacting anti-B in her sera. It was thought to be as rare B type subgroup
although some other possibilities of acquired B antigen could not be ruled out.


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