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°£ÀÇ ¼±Ãµ¼º ³¶¼º °£¿±¼º °ú¿ÀÁ¾(1Áõ·Êº¸°í) Cystic Mesenchymal Hamartoma of the Liver -A Case Report-

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A typical example of congenital cystic mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver is
reported in a 15 months old boy who presented with abdominal distension at eleven
months of age.
The tumor was in the left lobe and was a large circumscribed nodular mass
measuring 16cm in maximum dimensioin. Numerous cysts were seen on the cut surface
that were interconnected to form a large gray white mass which was well demarcated
from the surrounding liver. Microscopically, the tumor was characterized by both
epithelial and mesenchymal proliferation, epithelial being bile ducts and hepatocytes.


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