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³­¼ÒÁ¾¾çÀ¸·Î Àç¹ßµÈ ±Þ¼º ÀÓÆı¸¼º ¹éÇ÷º´ A Case of Leukemic Involvement of the Ovary in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 17±Ç 3È£ p.325 ~ 330
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Á¤¿ëÈ£/Yong Ho Chung Á¤¼¼À±/Á¤È­¼ø/±èÃá¿ø/±è±âÈ«/À̱ټö/Á¤Ç³¸¸/Bea Yoen Chung/Wha Soon Chung/Choon Won Kim/Ki Hong Kim/Poong Man Jung/Keun Soo Lee


Since the advent of combination chemotherapy and central nervous system
prophylaxis, more children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia have achieved prolonged
remission. Prolonged survival has had result in extramedullary leukemia being recognized
more frequently in patients still in bone marrow remission. Central nervous system and
the testes have been the most frequently recognized antemortem extramedullary relapse
sites. However, leukemic involvement of the ovary has received little attention, and the
significance of ovarianassociated relapse in relation to the eventual outcome of the
patient has not been investigated.
Recently, we experienced an 11 year-old girl with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in
hematological remission in whom a large ovarian tumor developed due to leukemic
infiltration. We report in this case and briefly pertinent review of literature was done.


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