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ºñ ±³Á¾ -1¿¹ º¸°í- Nasal Glioma - Report of a Case -

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 17±Ç 3È£ p.382 ~ 385
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¾ç±âÈ­/Ki Hwa Yang ¼­ÀºÁÖ/½É»óÀÎ/ÀÌÁ¾¹«/Eun Joo Seo/Sang In Shim/Chong Moo Lee


Nasal gliomas are rare, benign, congenital tumors that are thought to be the result of
an error in embryogenic development. The origin of this tumor is thought the same type
as encephaloceles, but other hypotheses had been also proposed. They are 60%
extranasal and 30% intranasal and the rest are mainly combined defect. In 20% of the
cases, there is a mainly fibrous connection to the intracranial space, but meningeal
continuity is not found. Since the first reported case was made by Reid in 1852, and the
term of nasal glioma was first used in 1900 by Schmidt, about 140 cases have been
reported. Recently we experienced a case of nasal glioma in a 3 years old male patient
who had a slow growing palpable mass on right epicanthal region since early infancy.
The physical and radiological examinations were within normal limits. Surgical excision
was made. During the operation, any connection to the cranial space was not found.
Grossly, it revealed several fragmented light yellow and firm masses, measuring up to
3.0¡¿2.5¡¿2.0§¯, and showed also light yellow and slightly trabeculated cut surface.
Microscopically it was composed of fibrillary astrocytes interlaced with fibrous
connective tissue with focally microcystic change.


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