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½Å»ý¾Æ ºñÀεο¡ »ý±ä Hairy Polyp 1¿¹ A Case of So-called Hairy Polyp of the Nasopharynx in neonate

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 17±Ç 3È£ p.386 ~ 389
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ÀÌ¿õ¿­/Woong Yeal Lee Á¤¼¼À±/Àå¼÷Áø/Á¤È­¼ø/±èÃá¿ø/±è±âÈï/Á¤Ç³¸¸/Sea Yoon Chung/Sook Jin Jang/Wha Soon Chung/Choon Won Kim/Ki Hong Kim/Poong Man Jung


So-called hairy polyp is a strictly developmental anomaly in early embryogenesis and
unlike trigerminal neoplastic teratomas, the hairy polyp is derived from two germ cells,
the ectoderm and mesoderm, which is composed of a conglomeration of disorganized and
disorderly tissues that form a sessile to a pedunculated mass that if attached to the
nasopharynx. Recently, authors have experienced a hairy polyp at the posterior portion
of nasopharynx from a two days old male patient and hereby we report a case with a
brief review of literature.


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