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Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas -ÀϷʺ¸°í ¹× ¹®Çå°íÂû- Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas - A case report -

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Most of nonendocrine pancreas carcinoma are originated from duct cell. Acinar cell
carcinoma of the pancreas is a rare malignancy. It is characterized by acinar or tubular
structures composed of abundant granular cytoplasmic cells. resembling normal exocrine
glands of the pancreas.
Ultrastructurally, the neoplastic cells contain homogeneously dense gymogen granules
encloses by their membranes and abundant RER in the cytoplasm. A case of acinar cell
carcinoma of the pancreas is encountered in 54-year-old male patient.
An electron microscopic examination of the tumor with a review of literature wart


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