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°íȯÀÇ °£Áú ¼¼Æ÷Á¾(Leydig Cell Tumor) 1¿¹ º¸°í A ease of Leydig cell tumor of Testis

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Leydig cell tumor of testis arises from interstitial cells of the testis and is relatively
rare, comprising only 1.4 to 3 percent of all testicular tumors. This neoplasm can occur
at any age. When it occurs in children, it is frequently accompanied by precocious
puberty. But in adult patients, painless enlargement of the testis or a mass is the most
common symptom and 25 percent of cases show gynecomastia.
We report a case of Leydig cell tumor with typical gross and histological findings
with review of literatures.


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