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Çѳñ۷κθ°Ç÷Áõ -70¿¹¿¡ °üÇÑ ºÐ¼®- Cryoglobulinemia -Analysis of seventy cases -

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Seventy cases of cryoglobulinemia detected at the Department of Clinical Pathology,
Seoul National University Hospital, during the period from January 1977 to September
1982 were analysed for sex and age distribution, associated diseases, laboratory findings,
and physicochemical propertie of cryoglobulins. The results were as follows.
1) Among 70 cases, 38 cases were male and the remaining 32 cases were female. Age
was widely distributed from 4 to 60 years.
2) Diseases associated with cryoglobulinemia were various renal diseases (32 cases),
autoimmune diseases (16 cases including 11 cases of systemic lupus erythematosus),
chronic active hepatitis(6 cases), infections(4 cases including 2 cases of subacute
bacterial endocarditis) and malignant lymphoma(1 case) in decreasing order of frequency.
Eleven cases were considered idiopathic and associated diseases could not be found.
3) Serum rheumatoid factor was positive in 32% of patients, serum complement level
was decreased in about 30%, and HBsAg was Positive in 18%, HBsAg in 38% and
HBsAg in 81%.
4) In systemic lupus erythematosus, serum rheumatoid factor was positive in 33% of
patients, strum complement level was decreased in about 90%, and findings of renal
involvement were observed in all cases by urinalysis and renal biopsy.
5) In two cases of subacute bacterial endocarditis, serum rheuamtoid factor was
positive in one and decreased serum complement level and impairment of renal function
were observed in both
6) Precipitation of cryoglobulins were observed for 3 days. After one day of
incubation, only 26% of cases showed precipitation and 43% showed precipition after 3
7) In 4 cases, cryoglobulins could by isolated and test for rheumatoid factor and
immunoelectroesis were done. In all cases. rheumatoid factor was positive. By
immunoelectrophoresis, 2 cases were identified as IgM-IgG mixed cryogloblilins and one
case as IgG-IgG mixed cryoglobulin.
On the basis of these findings, cryoglobuliilemia was found in diseases associated with
rheumatoid factor formation ailed characterized by prolonged stimulation of the immune
system. And we thought it important to detect the presence of even small amount of
cryoglobulins because it has important clinical relevance such as association with renal
involvement and prognosis.


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