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êÖàÍðþÀÇ Ü»×âùÊîÜ ÷åàõ ¹× êÖäß°úÀÇ ßÓμμÌõ¿¡ μÇÑ ðÚòÄÏ°õéùÊîÜ æÚϼ : -ð¯ 1Ô¿. êÖàÍðþÀÇ û¡÷¾ùÊîÜ ¹× ×üßÉ-Ü»×âùÊîÜ÷åó£- Gastric Adenoma : Its Clinics-Pathologic and Histotopographic Analyses in Relationship with Gastric Carcinoma -Part I : Morphological Characteristics-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 18±Ç 2È£ p.164 ~ 173
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
±è¿ëÀÏ(ÑÑé¸ìé)/Yong Il Kim ±è¿ìÈ£(ÑÑéÙûà)/Woo Ho Kim


A total of 52 gastric adenomas from 32 resected stomachs were subjected for the
extended histotopographic stuffy an4 its clinico-pathologic correlations were made.
Group I (adenoma alone) comprised 25.0% of whole cases with gastric adenomas,
group ¥± (separated adenoma and carcinoma in a samejo stomach) 46.9%, and group ¥²
(microcarcinomatous focus in adenoma) 28.1%. The average age at the time of gastric
resection was 57.4 years (32¡­82 gears), but mostly it occurred in the elderly over the
age of 60.
The majority of adenomas were elevated and sessile, in flat or semiglobal from, and
only 21.6% were pedunculated. Two lesions were of depressed type (of ¥±c). These
were usually ovoid (51.4%) or mulberry shaped (29.7%), and their surfaces were evenly
granular. The size was lese than 2cm in 71.2%, and 82.7% of the adenoma were under
3 cm in maximum cross. The average size of group ]R was bigger than that of group I
and ¥±.
Two thirds of gastric adenomas were located in the antral portion, and exclusively
were along the lesser curvature when adenoma was single. The adenoma was mostly
multiple (average 1.63 Per stomach), and more numerous in group ¥± (2.20 per stomach).
Histologically tubular adenoma comprised 94.2% and the remainders were papillary
adenoma .
A conceptual critique on the usage of atypical epithelial or borderline epithelial lesion
was made.


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