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Salmonella Êïæøñø 103çÓ ÓßÇÑ ÊÀðú ËþÞÛà÷îà Evaluation of Laboratory Data in 103 Cases of Salmonella Infection

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 18±Ç 3È£ p.257 ~ 263
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À̹ÎÁö(ì°ÚÈôË)/Min Cheo Lee ¹Úâ¼ö(ÚÓóàâª)/¼­¼øÆÈ(ßïâèø¢)/¾çµ¿¿í(åÄÔÔéï)/À¯ÁÖ¿ë(׳ñºé»)/Chang Soo Park/Soon Pal Suh/Dong Wook Ryang/Joo Yong Yoo


Evaluation of laboratory data was done in 103cased of salmonella infection treated as
in-patients at the Chonnam National University Hospital for two years from Jan. 1981 to
Dec. 1982.
The following results were obtained.
1) Salmonella organisms were isolated from blood in 50.8%(97/191) of patients,
an426.1%(12/46) from stool cultures. The strains of isolated salmonella organisms were
composed of 72 strains of Salmonella typhi(69.9%), 30 strains of Salmonella paratrphi
A(29. 1%) and 1 strain of Salmonella paratyphi C(1.0%). There were 4 strains of
Salmonella typhi resistant to chloramphenicol, and 2 strains to ampicillin.
2) Positive Widal teat wag found in 33.8%.
3) Hematological features disclosed leukopenia in 57.9%, and leukocytosis in 3.3%.
Below 10g/dl of hemoglobin values were seen in 8.5% during all clinical periods.
4) Urinary protein, sugar and urobilinogen were detected in 36.3%, 3.8%, and 11.8%,
respectively. Occult blood was noted in 32.5%.
5) Liter function tests disclosed elevated level of transaminase(ALT and AST) in over
70% of all cartes during clinical periods, and alkaline phosphatase(Alk-Pase) in about


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