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Hairy Cell Leukemia¿Í À¯»çÇÑ ¾Ç¼º ÀÓÆÄÁ¾ Malignant Lymphoma Simulating Hairy Cell Leukemia

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 18±Ç 3È£ p.288 ~ 292
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¹Ú¿ë±¸/Yong Koo Park ÀÌÁÖÈñ/¼­ÁøÅÂ/ÁöÇö¼÷/ÀÌdz´Þ/Ju Hie Lee/Jin Tae Suh/Hyun Sook Chi/Jung Dal Lee


The report dealt with a 64 year-old female presented with massive splenomegaly,
anemia and peripheral lymphocytosis with circulating hairy cells. The clinical and
laboratory features prompted a clinical diagnosis of hairy cell leukemia. The distinctive
splenic changes made the diagnosis of hairy cell leukemia revised to a malignant
lymphoma, well differentiated lymphocytic type with leukemic features.
Diagnostic features of hairy cell leukemia were reviewed in detail. Clinical and
hematologic diagnosis of hairy cell leukemia should be confirmed by histologic


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