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´ã³¶ÀÇ Ceroid À°¾ÆÁ¾ 3¿¹ Ceroid Granuloma of the Gall B1adder -Report of 3 cases-

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Ceroid, an orange-brown pigmented deposit which is insoluble in alcohol, xylol and
ether, sudanophilic and acid-fast, is found in fibrous trabeculae of cirrhotic liver of rat
which have been fed a diet low in choline and its precursor.
Ceroid granuloma of the gall bladder is rare condition, incidentally associated with
chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. In this condition, the change are focal and
transmural, and the material accumulated in the histiocytes.
The authors report three cases of ceroid granuloma of the gall bladder, an entity not
previously reported in the Korean medical literature.


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