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¼Ò¾Æ °íȯ¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ °£Áú¼¼Æ÷Á¾¾ç 1¿¹ Interstitial Cell Tumor of Testit in Early Childhood -A case report-

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Testicular tumors are almost always malignant and shares 0.8¡­1.4%of all malignancies.
Meanwhile, interstitial cell tumor of testis is a very rare and benign tumor which occurs
mainly in adult and when this tumor occurs in childhood, the sexual precocity is a main
symptom due to androgen excess caused by hormonal inbalance.
Recently, authors have experienced a case of interstitial cell tumor of testis which was
proven by histologically in a 4yrs old male patient who complains voice change, sexual
precocity, and painless mass on right testis with increased urinary 17-ketosteroid.
And so, we present a case of interstitial cell tumor of testis with a brief review of


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