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EndotoxinÀÇ ãìß¿úªÛ¡ßæѦ﮿¡ μÇÑ õ±ó£û¡÷¾ùÊîÜ æÚϼ Ultrastructural Study on the Mechanism of Nephrotoxicity Induced by Endotoxin

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The author studied the morphologic changes on the glomeruli and tubular structures to
clarify the mechanisms of nephrotoxicty induced by endotoxin. Also studied was the
changes in the permeability of microvasculature at the electron microscopic level using
peroxidase as enzymatic electron tracer by the vascular clearance method.
Male Sprague-Barley rats were received 3 §· per §¸ of body weight of E. coli
endotoxin and then sacrified 30, 60, 120, 1801 and 300 minutes after injections of the
endotoxin, respectively. Another groups of animals were receives additionally intravenous
injection of peroxidase 5 minutes before their sacrifices in each group.
The results obtained were summarized as follows :
Light microscopically, the glomeruli showed mild congestion and infiltration of
leukocytes, which remained in the same degree throughout. The tubular epithelial cells
showed intracellular edema from the early stages and regenerative changes appeared in
later times.
Electron microscopically, endothelial cells of the glomeruli and peritubular capillaries
showed vacuolization and protrusion of cytoplasmic process toward luminal spaces. The
tubular epithelial cells showed swelling of mitochondria, detachment of ribosomes,
swelling of RER and attenuation of basal infolding structures, which were more
prominent in later times. Lysosomes appeared from the time 3 hours after injections of
endotoxin, and increased in later stages. Some epithelial cells were detached out from
the basement membrane in later time, but the basement membrane itself seemed to be
intact until the time 5 hours after injection of endotoxin.
Peroxidase treated groups showed reactive products to peroxidase in the luminal spaces
in both of control and experimental groups until 3 hours, but they were remained within
basal layer of the cell in the experimental group after 5 hours, which indicated inhibition
of permeability of the particulated material in endotoxin treated group in later time.
The results of this study suggested that tubular structures were more severly affected
by endotoxin in earlier stage, which indicated that injury to the tubule did participate in
the role initiating renal injury which therefore is thought to be the basis for acute renal
insufficiency than glomerular injury in endotoxemia.


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