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õýíôÀÇ êáÔéßÒ Ò¥àõäß 3çÓ ÜÃͱ -ðÚòÄÛ¡ßæùÊîÜ ÍÅóÌ- Three Cases of Papillary Cystic Neoplasm of Pancreas and Histogenetic Consideration

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Three crises of papillary cystic neoplasm of pancreas were experienced in young
females(20, 26 and 23 years old respectively). Chief complaints were only baas and
intermittent pain or epigastrium. All laboratory dates were insignificant except huge
masses on the epigastrium. Well circumscribed masses were note4 in body(1 case) and
tail (2 cases), measuring 20, 12 and 16 cm in diameters respectively, which were simply
excised, radically resected and distal pancreatectomized. Cut surfaces showed thick
fibrous capsules containing solid marts with partially cystic areas filled by hemorrhage
and necrosis. Evidence of metastasis was not noted in all cases. Microscopically, they
showed typical patterns of papillary cystic tumor describes by others. Ultrastructurally,
tumor cells showed two different tones of cytoplasm ; dark and light. They showed
indented nuclei, abundant mitochondriae, but zymogen granules and neurosecretory
granules were not noted. These findings suggested that the tumor was originated from
small ducts associated with intercalated duct. All patients are in good conditions for 14,
16 and 12 months after surgery respectively.


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