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ÆóÀÇ ÀÓÆÄ°ü ÆòÈ°±ÙÁ¾ -1¿¹ º¸°í- Lymphangiomyomatosis of the Lung -A report of a case-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 18±Ç 4È£ p.437 ~ 441
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Áö¹Ì°æ/Mi-Kyung Jae ¾ç±âÈ­/±èº´±â/±è¼±¹«/Ki-Hwa Yang/Byoung-Kee Kim/Sun-Moo Kim


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Pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis is a rare but distinct condition caused by progressive
widespread smooth muscle proliferation in the perilymphatic regions throughout the lung.
The disease is clinically manifested by recurrent chylous pleural effusion,
pneumothoraxor ascites and striking female sex predominance. A relationship is noted
between lymphangiomyomatosis and certain secondary lesions associated with tuberous
The authors experienced a case of pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis in 23 years o1d
female patient who had been suffered due to recurrent pneumothorax for two weeks.
During explorative thoracotomy, a huge cystic mass, 18.5¡¿8.0¡¿3.0§¯ and weighing 100
gm, was noted in the lower lobe of the right lung. The external surface was tan brown
and dirty with rubbery consistency. The inner surface was also tan brown and dirty
with fibrous meshwork. Microscopically, there were varying sized cysts lined by
flattened cuboidal cells. There were irregular and nodular proliferation of smooth muscle
bundles in the wall of the cysts.


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