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Authors have recently experienced a case of thyroid lymphoma associated chronic
lymphocytic thyroiditis in a 60-year-old female. Examination of the marginal
non-neoplastic thyroid tissue showed changes consistent with chronic lymphocytic
thyroiditis with hyperactive lymphoid follicles. And this lesion was serologically proved
by increased antimicrosomal and antithyroglobulin antibody titers.
Transitional zones, mimicking nodular lymphoma between these two diseases also was
present. The importance of these changes has been clearly understood by many authors,
We suspected that it might serve in the clarification of histogenesis of primary thyroid
lymphoim, namely secondary transformation from preexisting chronic lymphocytic
thyroiditis. An occult sclerosing carcinoma found incidentally was considered to have no
specific pathogenetic relationship with either lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic


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