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À¯¾Æ ¼¶À¯¼º °ú¿ÀÁ¾ -3¿¹ º¸°í- Fibrous Hamartoma of Infancy -Report of three cases-

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Fibrous hamartoma of infancy is a distinct clinicopathologic entity with unique
microscopic findings and benign clinical course. This tumor is composed of intervening
dense fibrocollagenous trabeculae, well defined mucoid areas and varying amounts of
mature fat, which are arranged in organoid growth pattern.
We report three typical cases of this tumor which were experienced during the recent
two years at the Seoul National University Hospital. It is the first description on this
tumor in Korean literature.
Case 1 was a 10 month old boy who was admitted due to a mass in the right infra
clavicular area for 6 months. The mass showed irregular and poorly circumscribed outer
Case 2 was a one month old girl who was presented with a diffuse ill defined hairy
masts in the left buttock since birth.
Case 3 was a 15mon1h old boy who was brought to the hospital due to well
circumscribed scrotal mass for 8 months.
Microscopically all three cases showed very similar histological features. And all 3
cases are well after the removal of the tumors.


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