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This study was carried out to investigate the morphological changes in the exocrine
and endocrine glands of rat pancreas treated with endotoxin.
Thirty-fide male Sprague-Dawley rats, maintained on a stock diet, weighing 200.0 gm.
average. were divided into two experimental groups.
Group 1. Control group.
Five rats. Intraperitoneal injections of 0.3 §¢ normal saline only.
Group 2. Endotoxin-treated group.
Thirty rats. 7.6§· of endotoxin per §¸. of body weight was administered
Each of 5 experimental animal was sacrificed 30 minutes, 1,2,4,6 and 8 hours after
endotoxintreatment, followed by examinations of histochemical, light and electron
microscopy of both transmission and scanning modes.
The results were as follows:
A. Light microscopic findings:
A mild interstitial edema and hyperemia were noted 1-hour after endotoxin treatment.
Cytoplasmic vacuolization at 2-hour level(2-hours after endotoxin administration),
diminished staining quality of both endocrine and exocrine cells at 6-hour level.
B. Electron microscopic examination:
a. Transmission electron microscopy.
The acinar cells of pancreas showed a mildly increased pre-lysosome at 30-minute
level. At 1-hour level, appearance of secondary lysosome was noted in addition to the
findings of mitochondrial swelling and decreased cristae; disarray and vacuolization of
the RER; vacuolar change of Golgi apparatus. At 6-hour level, post-lysosomes. The
changes in the endocrine glands were similar to the findings of exocrine glands just
described with time lag of 1 to 2 hours. The endothelial cells of capillaries show
swelling and pinocytotic vesicle formation, protrusion of the cytoplasmic processes into
the capillary lumen and increased heterochromatin at 1-hour level. These findings
became more prominent as time lapses. The lumen of the endothelium tends to be
narrowed, filled with fibrin and other blood cell components which later terminated with
occasional complete occlusion by the formation of thrombi.
b. Histochemical study:
Primary lysosomes of the control group revealed a strong reaction of the acid
phosphatase whereas the endotoxin treated group with less reactivity limited in the
peripheral zones of the lysosomes. Secondary lysosomes with partial reactions. However,
the pre-lysosomes and post-lysosomes failed to demonstrate any acid phosphatase
activity at all.
c. Scanning electron microscopy:
The endothelial cells of the capillaries, arterioles and venules demonstrated increased
microvillous activity, broad bleb formation, cytoplasmic protrusion into the luminal
spaces and microthrombi formation at 1-hour level. Six-hour level onward there noted a
junctional disruption and partial detachment from the subendothelium of the wall.
It can be concluded, therefore:
When the endotoxin enters the blood stream, it elicits endothelial injury followed by
both exudation with resultant edema of the surrounding tissue and concomitant vascular
occlusions due to thrombosis. This vascular occlusion, in turn, causes ischemic
degenerative changes of the cells of exocrine and endocrine glands of the pancreas
which are followed by digestions of degradational materials from the injured cells
through the lysosomal phagocytic system. Besides the above pathogenetic pathway, one
can not rule out the possibility of the direct effects of the endotoxin to the cells of
exocrine and endocrine cells of the pancreas also so rendered.


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