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Å©·çÄÁ¹ö±× Á¾¾ç 36¿¹¿¡ ´ëÇÑ º´¸®ÇÐÀû ºÐ¼®-Krukenberg tumor Clinico-pathologic analysis of 36 cases- Krukenberg Tumor-Clinico-pathologic analysis of 36 cases-

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µéÀÇ Æ¯Â¡ÀûÀÎ ÇüÅÂÇÐÀû ¹è¿­¿¡ µû¶ó classic krukenberg tumor, tubular krukenberg tumor,
retiform krukenberg tumor·Î ±¸ºÐÇØ º» °ç°ú °¢°¢ 28¿¹, 5¿¹, 3¿¹¿´´Ù.
A total of 36 typical Krukenberg tumors of the ovary was obtaind from the pathology
file of the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
during a period of 17 years from January 1968 to December 1984.
By definition, all were characterized by the presence of mucin containg signet ring
cells within the cellular, nonneoplastic ovarian stroma. The clinico-pathologic
characteristics of 36 Krukenberg tumors were as follow: The Krukenberg tumors
accounted for 16.3% of all ovarian malignancies. The age of the patient at the time of
diagnosis of the Krukenberg tumor ranged from 28 to 69 years with an average of 43
years. A primary carcinoma of stomach (31 cases) or colon(1 case) was found in
32(88.9%) of 36 patients. The primary carcinoma was not detected in four cases, and
autopsy was not performed in any case. In 22 cases the primary carcinomas had been
diagnosed before ovarian tumors were found. The ovarian and the primary carcinomas
were identified synchronously in 6 cases, while in 8 cases the primary carcinomas were
not discovered until after the ovarian tumors had been treated. The gross diameter of
the ovarian tumor ranged from 1.5§¯ to 28§¯ with an average of 10.3§¯. The largest
weighed 4,550gm. The Krukenberg tumors typically formal rounded or reniform, solid
mass that were coarsely lobulated or bosselated. The cut surface was yellow white and
associated frequently with nodular, myxoid or gelatinous area and cystic changes of
various size. Both ovaries were involved in 29(80.6%) of the cases and one ovary in
Krukenberg tumors classified into the three major types on the basis of the
characteristic morphologic patterns of signet ring cells. The first type was classic
Krukenberg tumor (28 cases) represented by predominent components of typical signet
ring cells. The second type was tubular Krukenberg tudor (5 cases) characterized by
tubular structures resembling a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor. The third type was re tiform
Krukenberg tumor (3 cases) characterized by an irregular network of elongated, often
slitlike tubules and cysts, which resembled the rate testis.


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