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±¹±ÕÁõ ll¿¹ 11 Cases of Aspergillosis

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 19±Ç 3È£ p.325 ~ 331
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Genus of aspergilli are ubiquitous saprophytic molds in nature, which are recognized
about 700 species, at least eight species are pathogenic for human. Pulmonary
aspergillosis is rare disease, most frequent presenting as secondary invasion, and
aspergillosis of the nasal cavity is the most common sites of the extrapulmonary
Predisposing factors for pulmonary aspergillosis are chronic lung diseases, tuberculosis,
antibiotics, cytotoxins and neoplasia, hematologic disorders, and histoplasmosis etc.
Authers have experienced 10 cases of pulmonary aspergillosis and a case of aspergillosis
of nasal cavity in Dept. of Pathol. Chosun univ. hospital and christian hospital from Feb.
1981 to July 1984. Patient of pulmonary aspergillosis are received surgical resection and
survived well without complications.


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