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¼ºÀο¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ »óÇǼº WilmsÁ¾¾ç Adult Wilms' Tumor : Monomorphous Epithelial, Tubular, Variant

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1985³â 19±Ç 4È£ p.473 ~ 477
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Adult Wilms' tumor, unlike that of childhood, is a rare disease. Microscopically, the
tumor is fundamentally characterized by triplastic emiryonal renal tumor composed of
variable amounts of metanephric blastema and its epithelial and stromal derivatives but
rarely a small group of tumors Composed virtually entirely of differentiated epithelial
derivatives, the abundance of tubular structures . These monomorphous epithelial type of
Wilms' tumor tended to haute an early onset and benign course.
Grossly, classic Wilms' tumor is a solid tumor, but very rarely shows cystic change
and may lewd to misin-terpretation as a polycystic kidney or multicystic neph-roma.
Here, we reports a case of primary renal tumor, grossly very similar to a multicystic
kidneybut histologically represent a tubular monomorphous epithelial variant of Wilms'
tumor occured in 63 year old male adult.


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