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(ulcero-hypertrophic type) ¹× È¥ÇÕÇü(mixed type; 3¿¹)À¸·Î ±¸ºÐÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ¾ú´Ù. ±Ë¾çÇüÀº ÁÖ
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A total of 10 cases of surgically resected intestinal tuberculosis specimens was
subjected for analysis of its macroscopic characteristics. Intestinal tuberculosis was
broadley classified into the ulcerative type(4 cases), ulcers-hypertrophic type(3 cartes)
and mixed type(3 cases) on the basis of its cross features.
The ulcerative type was characterized by multiple, segmental lesions of napkin-ring
stricture with variable length of uninvolved mucosa, secondary to the circumferential or
annular ulceration. Various forms of relatively superficial ulcers were also scattered.
Their ulcer beds were rather granular, being covered with a necrotic detritus although
the ulcer margins were relatively well-defined with areas of some nodularity.
The ulcero-hypertrophic type affected the ileo-cecal region and ascending colon in a
tubular form by segmental thickening of the wall. The diseased segment of mucosa
appeared cobble-stone, represented by coalescence of irregular ulcers and hemorrhage.
There were scattered small ulcers in the separate portions of terminal ileum. The
macroscopic distinctions between the intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's or ischemic
enterocolitis were presented in detail.


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