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±Ù¼¼°ü¼º ±Ùº´Áõ(1Áõ·Ê º¸°í) Myotubular myopathy -A case report-

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A case of a myotubular myopathy in a 5 year old boy is described. This was the
first and the only boy to a 30 year old mother who had no prenatal or perinatal
problems. No family history of muscle disease was present. His muscle weakness
started from neonatal period but was very slowly progressive. The developmental
milestones were generally delayed. He had repeated episodes of pneumonia.
Muscle biopsy revealed characteristic central nuclei in 68% of myofibers, and this
finding was associated with generally small and round fibers and minimal interstitial
change. No inflammatory reaction was present.


Myotubular myopathy; congenital myopathy; centronuclear myopathy.;

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