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½ÄµµÀÇ À§À°Á¾ -Á¶Á÷±¸Ãà, ¸é¿ªÁ¶Á÷È­ÇÐÀû ¿°»ö ¹× ÀüÀÚÇö¹Ì°æÀû °üÂû- Pseudosarcoma of the Esophagus -A case report with mapping, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 21±Ç 1È£ p.26 ~ 33
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Á¤¼øÈñ/Soon Hee Jung ±è¿µ¹è/±èŽÂ/±Ç»ó¿Á/±è¼ö¿ë/Young Bae Kim/Tai Seung Kim/Sang Ok Kwon/Woo Yong Kim


So called pseudosarcoma of the esophagus is an extremely rare polypoid malignant
tumor and a number of cases, totaling 19 cases haute been reported in world literatures
until 1985.
The presenting case is an unique one of pseudosarcoma of the esophagus and we
illustrated all microscopic features with mapping, immunoperoxidase stain for cytokeratin
and electron microscopic findings to clarify the histogenesis of spindle cells.
It is postulated that the spindle cells of pseudosarcoma are transformed from
squamous carcinoma cells based on ¨ç morphological similarity between squamous
epithelial cells and spindle cells, positive reaction of immunoperoxidase staining for
cytokeratin in the adjacent normal esophageal mucosa, squamous cell carcinoma, spindle
cells and giant cells and ¨é presence of transformation zone.


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