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À¯¹æÀÇ Æò È°±ÙÀ°Á¾ -1¿¹ º¸°í- Leiomyosarcoma of the Breast

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1987³â 21±Ç 1È£ p.49 ~ 53
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Leiomyosarcoma of the breast is extremely rare. The natural history of
leiomyosarcoma of the breast remains largely unknown because of the low incidence and
lack of long-term follow up. But leiomyosarcoma of the breast appears to be less
aggressive biologically than other sarcomas of the breast such as rhabdomyosarcoma. In
an attempt to define diagnostic criteria of smooth muscle tumors of the breast, the
reported cases of leiomyoma of the breast and nipple were also rectiewed and compared
with leiomyosarcomas by Chen et al (1981). Based on the result of this review, tumors
with three or more mitoses per 10 HPF are leiomyosarcoma and those with no mitosis,
necrosis, and significant atypia are leiomyomas.
We have experienced a case of leiomyosarcoma of the breast. The patient was a 39
year-old female and was admitted due to a rapid growing right breast mass. The breast
mass was noted 4 years ago and then this year the mass glowed rapidly. Simple
mastectomy was performed.
Grossly the mass measured 11.0¡¿8.0¡¿8.0 §¯ in dimensions and was well
circumscribed, pinkish, multinodular, and it was protruded from the cut surface.
Microscopically the mass is composed of interlacing bundles of spindle shaped cells
and multifocal large areas of hyalinized collagenous tissue. The individual spindle cells
are slightly pleomorphic and occasionally show mitotic figures, 6¡­7 per 10 HPF in the
most cellular area.


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