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½Å»ý¾Æ »ç¸ÁÀÇ ¿øÀÎÀÌ µÈ ŹÝÀÇ ¾ç¸·ÇÏ Ç÷Á¾ Subamniotic Hematoma as a Cause of Neonatal Death

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An autopsy case of a newborn male who died of exsanguination into the subamniotic
space of placenta presumably due to the rupture of the umbilical vein, is reported.
This fetus, previously uneventful except for hydramnios and partial breech presentation
showed obvious signs of fetal distress during the first stage of labor that lasted for 6
hours to this 25 year old multigravid mother who came to the hospital because of labor
pain at 29 weeks of gestation. Immediately after birth the baby was pale and the Apgar
score was 1. He died 30 minutes after birth.
Postmortem examination confirmed generalized pallor in this 1380 gm baby, with
petechial hemorrhage of viscera and subarachnoid hemorrhage. No other findings of be
cause of death were found. The placenta showed large ellipsoid subamniotic hematoma
containing approximately 76 ml of blood, which is 57% of the total circulation blood
volume of the fetus.


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