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³úô¼ö¾×¿¡¼­ °ËÃâµÈ ¸Á¸·¸ð¼¼Æ÷Á¾ Spinal Fluid Cytology of Retinoblastoma

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Of all the primary central nervous system tumors, the medulloblastoma, glioblastoma
multiforme, ependymoma and pineal germinoma tend to exfoliate in the cerebrospinal
space. With all other types of the tumor, abnormal cells may seldom be definitely
identified in the cerebrospinal fluid. Up to now the tumor cells have been rarely found
in CSF in cases of retinoblastoma. We haute experienced a case of advanced
retinoblastoma that showed exfoliated cells in spinal fluid.


Retinoblastoma; Cerebrospinal fluid; Cytology;

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