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ô»öÁ¾ÀÇ ¼¼Ä§ÃµÀÚ ¼¼Æ÷ÇÐÀû ¼Ò°ß A Case of Sacrococcygeal Chordoma Diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology

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A case of sacrococcygeal chordoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration is presented.
This is a case of a 54-year-old woman who came with coccygeal pain of 5-6 months
duration. Aspiration biopsy cytology revealed many nests of cells having abundant
bubbly cytoplasm and round to oval variably sized nuclei. The cells had indistinct
cytoplasmic borders and many of the cells had cytoplasmic vacuoles. The nuclei had
thin regular nuclear membranes, finely granular chromatin and one or two small nucleoli.
The cells were generally monotonous, but focally pleomorphic with giant cell formation.
Mitotic figures were scanty. The background of the aspirate contained abundant
mucinous material. These findings were typical of those of recorded chordoma cases and
the diagnosis was confirmed by a following open biopsy. The patient received 4,000 rads
of neutron radiotherapy and has been well till March'88.


Chordoma; Aspiration cytology; Sacrococcyx;

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