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Áö¿¬¼º ¹æ»ç¼± ³ú±«»ç -1¿¹ º¸°í- Delayed Radionecrosis of the Brain -A case simulating recurrent glioma-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1988³â 22±Ç 3È£ p.360 ~ 366
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°­½Å±¤/Shin Kwang Khans ¼ÛÁØÈ£/À̱ÔÈ£/ÁÖÀοí/ÁöÁ¦±Ù/Jun Ho Song/Kyu Ho Lee/In Wook Choo/Je G. Chi.


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An appreciation of the radiation changes in the brain adjacent to radiated glioma is of
considerable importance from both clinical and pathological standpoint because the
alteration in the brain parenchyma may result in a picture that mimics recurrence of the
neoplasm.435 years old woman was admitted because of deterioration of consciousness
which has started about 20 days ago. Past history revealed removal of left frontal brain
tumor 4 years earlier and the diagnosis was grade ¥± astroma. Postoperative radiation
was done at that time. Sice then, she has been doing well. Computerized tomogram
showed an ill defined huge low density mass at right frontal and left posterior parietal
areas, which was irregularly enhanced in postcontrast study. unlikely to the usual brain
tumors, there was no mass effect on adjacent structures. Histologically acellular necrotic
zone was alternating with hypercellular zone and most striking changes were vascular
and glial reaction. Most of the vessels showed acellular hyliane thickening of their wall
and some vessels were almost completely occluded. There was marked glial proliferation
with considerable cellular and nuclear irregularities. Gemistocytic astrocytes were
frequently seen and some were multinucleated.


Radiation necrosis; Brain; Astrocytoma;

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