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The authors studied the early morphologic changes of peripheral nerve, which is
known as relatively radioresistant tissue to the X-ray irradiation, but recently clamied
by several clinician through development of neuropathies after radiotherapy of the
malignacy. Rabbits were received 1,000 or 2,000 cGy of X-ray on th knee joint areas.
Sciatic nerves were extracted out 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 24 hours, and 3 and 7 days after
The morphologic chases were observed by light and electron microscopes.
The results were summarized as follows:
Light microscopically, only mild edema is noted Electron micro-scopically, irregular
separation and folding of myelin sheath with spherical body formation are noted. Above
features were more prominent at later stages and aggregated nests of fragmented
myelin were scattered 16 hours after irradiation. Schwann cell nocrosis is noted after 24
hours. But above degenerative changes were scarcely present 7 days after irradiation.
There is no remarkable axonal changes. The interstitial tissue revealed swelling and
irregularity of surface of endothelial cells, and edema.
On the basis of the results, it may be concluded that the peripheral nerve is injured
by irradiation in early stages, and the main target of irradiation injury is thought to be
myelin sheath and Schwann cells, which would be reversible and could be recovered


Peripheral nerve; X-ray irradiation; Electron microscopic change;

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