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We present a case of localized mucosal hyperplasia of the stomach. The resected
stomach contained four large, short stalked polyps, three of which were located in the
anterior wall of body and the other in the posterior wall. In addition, numerous small
sessile polyps were also scattered in the anterior and posterior fundic walls.
Microscopically, the abnormally thick mucosa, carrying with it the muscularis mucosae
and a thin core of loose fibrous tissue comprised the polyps by intraluminal infolding of
widening of mucosal area. Abundant vasculature of the regal pattern was prominent in
the submucosa. The above findings suggest that the histogenesis of the polyps is
related to both hyperplastic thickening and widening of mucosal areas in rugal pattern in
the background of inverted distribution pattern of intestinal metaplasia.


Gastric polyps; Localized hyperplastic gastropathy; Stomach;

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