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½Å»ý¾Æ ÆÄ»ódzÀÇ ºÎ°Ë¼Ò°ß Autopsy Findings of Neonatal Tetanus

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1990³â 24±Ç 3È£ p.183 ~ 189
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During last 28 years since 1962 we experienced 11cases of neonatal tetanus that was
clinically diagnosed and autopsied at the Department of Pathology, Seoul National
University Hospital. All these cases were encountered before the year 1980, and was
caused by cutting the umbilical cord with unsterilized scissors. All the patients had
onset of characteristic symptoms of seizure in first few days and died within a week in
most cases.
Postmortem findings could be summarized as follows:
1) The most impressive pathological finding was found in lungs, which was multifocal
intraalveolar hemorrhage. In 3 cases bronchopneumonia was combined, but in almost all
cases, only fresh hemorrhage and edema were found.
2) Fatty changes of hepatocytes, focal degenerations of cardiac and skeletal muscles,
vacuolar change of proximal tubules were found.
3) The changes of other organs seemed to be the secondary changes due to hypoxia.


Neonate; Tetanus; Lung hemorrhage;

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