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This report describes the pathologic features of 17cases of Castleman's disease,
examined at the Department of Pathology, Seoul National University Hospital during a
period from 1973 to 1989. The lesions in 12cases were hyaline-vascular type and the
remainders plasma cell type. The pathologic features favoring the plasma cell type over
the hyaline vascular type included a sufficient number to large-sized follicles. However,
a histologic overlapping between two types was present.
In the hyaline vascular type the age of the patients ranged from 7 to 76 years and
they appeared to be no particular sex predominence. The majority of the lesions
occurred in the neck and within the chest. Almost all cases presented with a solitary
mass except three cases. Neither Conventional symptoms nor systemic manifestations
were associated. The plasma cell type was characterized by presentation of constitutional
symptoms, involvement of intra abdominal and inguinal lymphnodes, in association with
unusual clinicopathologic features including IgA nephropathy, diabetes mellitus, systemic
progressive sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy, and anemia.
Immunohistochemical study was performed in three cases of the plasma cell type.
Two cases revealed polyclonal plasma cell infiltration. In a patient with IgA
nephropathy, however, serum IgA was increased and a strong immunoreactivity to IgA
heavy chain was found. Another case, associated with systemic progressive sclerosis
and neuropahty, resealed monoclonal plasma cell infiltration (IgG and lambda light
Chain). The above results support a possibility that in some of the plasma cell type an
altered immune mechanism is involved in its pathogenesis.


Giant lymphnode hyperplasia; Hyalinevescular type; Plasma cell type; Immunohistochemistry.;

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