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°£ÀÇ ¼¶¸ð¼º ÀüÀå ³¶Á¾ -1 Áõ·Ê º¸°í- Ciliated Foregut Cyst of the Liver-Report of a case-

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We report a case of ciliated hepatic foregut cyst which was incidentally found in a 64
year-old man. The cyst, 6cm in diameter, was unilocular, solitary and was located in
the medial segment of left lobe, just below the Glisson's capsule. Microscopically, the
cyst wall consisted of 4 layers ; pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium,
subepithelial loose connective tissue, smooth muscle bundles and an outermost fibrous
capsule. Although cartilage or subepithelial sero-mucous glands were absent, the
morphologic features of the cyst correspond with those of an incomplete form of
brochogenic cyst.


Ciliated foregut cyst; Foregut cyst; Enteric cyst; Liver;

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