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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 25³âÀÇ °á»ê The Korean Journal of Pathology : A Review of the First 25 Years

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1991³â 25±Ç 6È£ p.497 ~ 508
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ÁöÁ¦±Ù/Je G. Chi


The Korean Journal of Pathology was first launched in 1967, marking the 20th
anniversary of the founding of the Korean Society of Pathologists in 1946. The first
publisher was Professor Chae Koo Lee and the first editor was Professor Sang In Kim.
What began as a semi-annual journal became a quarterly beginning in 1977. Now, in
1991, it is a bimonthly journal with an average of 14 articles per issue.
A total of 1,075 articles consisting of 8,624 pages have been published through this
journal with more than 537 persons having joined authorship. Papers related to
diagnostic pathology took a majority, and accordingly, articles of animal experiment and
basic research were the minor Because of low autopsy rate among Koreans papers on
systemic and special pathology have not developed harmoniously, with particular deficit
of cardiovascular pathology and special sense organs. Papers on gastrointestinal tract
and hepatobiliary system Predominate since early years of publication, indicative of
prevalence of diseases related to those organ systems. Relative dominance of papers on
pediatric pathology and teratology represents availability of postmortem materials of
fetuses and infants in many hospitals, despite the extremely low adult autopsy rate.
Papers using electron microscopy appeared first in 1972 and the first paper on
cytopathology was published in 1977.
During the last 25 years of the Korean Journal of Pathology two new related journals
were born. The first journal was the Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology in 1981, and
the second journal was the Korean Journal of Cytopathology in 1990. Two journal
supplements, one of nationwide cancer statistics and the other of an accumulated total
index, were accompanied. One issue in memory of the late Professor Yun Il-Sun was
published in 1975.
The Korean Journal of Pathology is now a periodical registered as a quarterly journal
to the Ministry of Culture(MA-1664), and its international standardized serial number is
0379-1149. It is indexed in Excerpta Medica since 1990. It is hoped that the Korean
Journal of Pathology will become an internationally referenced periodical approved by
eminent international indexing systems such as Index Medicus and Science Citation
Index in the nearest future.


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