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ÀüÀå ±â¿øÀÇ Ã´Ãß ½Å°æÀ强 ³¶ Spinal Neurenteric Cyst of Foregut Origin

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À强 ´ç(spinal enterogenous cyst), µîÀÇ ´Ù¾çÇÑ À̸§À¸·Î º¸°íµÇ¾î ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, À̵éÀÇ °øÅëµÈ
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The neurenteric cyst with associated anomalies is the result of an ectoentodermal
communication that exists during embryogenesis. The variety of lesions include
intraspinal cysts, congenital vertebral deformities, thoracic cyst, malformations of the
digestive tract, and occasionally, dysrhaphias of the sinodermal or myelomeningocele
A case of intraspinal neurenteric cyst in a 3-year-old boy is presented. He presented
with cyclic abdominal pain, fever and constipation of 30 days' duration. These symptoms
progressed rapidly into gait disturbance and left hemiplegia. A single epithelial cyst,
located ventral to the spinal cord in the lower thoracic region, traversed the cleft of
spina bifida of thoracic vertebrae and connected to retromediastinal cyst. The inner cyst
wall was lined with pseudostratified ciliated epithelia and a few squamous cells. The
cyst wall contained well-developed muscle coat, myenteric plexuses, and scattered
seromucinous glands.


Neurenteric cyst; Spinal cord; Spinal column; Malformation; Foregut;

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