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ÃÊ»êºÎÀÇ ³­¼Ò¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ÀÓ½ÅȲüÁ¾ Pregnancy Luteoma of the Ovary in a Primiparous Woman

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Pregnancy luteoma is composed of a single or multiple nodules of large lutenized cells
that develop during pregnancy but involute during the puerperium. This lesion is usually
an incidental finding at the time of cesarean section or postparalum tubal ligation.
Microscopically, this tumor is difficult to be differentiated from various types of
sex-cord stromal tumors including Leydig cell tumor, luteinized thecoma, adult or
juvenile granulosa cell tumors with luteinization, and lipoid cell tumor.
We report a case of pregnancy luteoma in a 34- ear-old primipara without virilizing
symptoms at the time of cesarean section in the right ovary. The mass measured 5¡¿
4.5¡¿3.5 §¯ and 60 gm in weight. The Gut surface was homogeneously yellow-orange
with multiple hemorrhagic spots. Microscopically, the tumor resealed solid, trabecular, or
microcystic pattern of large granolar eosinophilic luteinized cells and somewhat large
nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Differentiation from Leydig cell tumor and juvenile
granulosa cell tumor was difficult in this case.


Pregnancy luteoma; Primipara; Ovary;

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