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Localized cystic degeneration of peripheral arteries represents an unusual cause of
arterial insufficiency. It frequently occurs in patient without generalized arteriosclerosis.
It has been reported in patients from age 11 to 62 years. Cystic adventitial disease is
most common in the Popliteal artery. At least 115 cases have been reported worldwide,
but none in Korea. We report a case of cystic adventitial disease involving the left
popliteal artery
This 64-year-old man presented with an 18-month history of cramping pain of
sudden onset in the left calf and claudication. Angiographic findings showed a 6 cm
length of luminal obliteration of the popliteal artery Segmentally reseated popliteal artery
showed two longitudinally directed cystic masses measuring 3.5¡¿1.5 §¯ and 2.5¡¿1.5 §¯
in the adventitia. Microscopic examination revealed cystic space in the arterial adventitia
compressing arterial lumen. There were a number of foamy histiocytes collected along
the cystic lumen. (Korean J Pathol 1993: 27: 418¡­420)


Cystic adventitial disease; Popliteal artery; Peripheral vascular disease.;

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