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¼¼Æ÷¼º û»ö¸ð¹Ý 1¿¹ Cellular Blue Nevus -A case report-

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Cellular blue nevus is a benign variant of blue nevus group, characterized by cellular
islands composed of closely aggregated spindle cells with little or no melanin. The other
variants include atypical and malignant blue nevus which often had the difficulties in the
differential diagnosis from the malignant melanoma.
A 4-year-old boy Presented with hemispheric scalp nodule, which has been slowly
grown since birth, measuring 3.5¡¿3¡¿1.5 §¯. The surface showed geographic black
pigmentation without hairs, hemorrhage, and ulceration. The excised mass disclosed
homogeneoulsy dark black, glistening, and muddy cut surface. Histological examination
revealed exuberant melanocytic proliferation with both spindle and dendritic components.
Heavily pigmented spindle cells, melanophages, focal necrosis, and vacuolated epithelioid
cells were unusually noted in our case and diagnosed as cellular blue nevus. Electron
microscopy disclosed largely mature melanosomes in tumor cells and melanophages.
During about 16 months since operation, he has been relatively well with no evidence of
disease. (Korean J Pathology 1993; 27:542¡­545)


Cellular blue nevus; Pigmented spindle cells; Epithelioid cells; Melarophage;

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